Mission & Vision
The EIC operates within a well-defined qualification’ framework and associated accreditation criteria known as the AQF-Australian qualification framework.
About Edinburgh International College
Edinburgh International College is a registered Training Organization and CRICOS Provider to deliver education to international students looking for the opportunity to study, and perhaps develop their career, in Australia. The Edinburgh International college operates within a well-defined qualification’ framework and associated accreditation criteria known as the AQF-Australian qualification framework.

The mission of Edinburgh International College Pty Ltd is to provide an advantage to the students, the community, and the market with high quality human capital to meet the demands of the 21st century skill needs in Australia and worldwide. Edinburgh International College will work in partnership with students and the community to provide a balanced educational program which equips each student for future studies, employment, and life. We believe in excellence in teaching, leadership and teamwork and an appreciation of Vocational Education and Training. We encourage our students to grow into confident and compassionate personnel by fostering their independence, self-discipline, integrity, and social responsibility.

To contribute towards generating resources and means for the betterment of humanity through quality educational services, active participation in community services and establishment of strong entrepreneurship globally.